March 13, 2012

What Happened to the Android Market?!

For the past three days, everyone has been asking, "What happened to the Android market?" Well, the big G has moved in... that's what happened. Google rebranded the Android market as the Google Play Store. Not only did Google rebrand, but they also rolled in some new services and features. They incorporated books, known as Google Play Books, music, known as Google Play Music, and movies, known as Google Play Movies. But what does this mean?

There is no doubt that Google Play is here to stay! However, consumers are confused according to MSNBC. What was wrong with the old Android market? And how can you "play" a book? And, finally, Google prides itself on organization. But, Google hasn't taught the Android people anything. The now Google Play Store is just as hard to navigate as the old Android Market.

You don't think Google is trying to one-up Apple, do you? Well, they are positioning themselves in a very unique position by incorporating Netflix and Amazon Instant Video with ideas like iTunes and the Kindle all into one unique store. So, is this a success for Google or a failed attempt to effectively compete against Apple?

Read More Here.


  1. I really like the idea of being able to upload 20,000 songs for free to their cloud storage software. From there, you can listen to your music anywhere that you have an internet connection! No more bogging down memory with mp3 files.

  2. Absolutely. I feel like this is a great feature too, Zach! I think that the cloud is really going to start to be part of the grand scheme in future business plans. Google has really utilized this opportunity.

  3. I have to admit I was confused the first time when I saw the new name. I was expecting to enter the Market and I felt I entered some game site instead of the App site. So I agree with the MSNBC report.

  4. Agreed! It would have been nice if Google would of informed us of their purchase of the Android Market. It would have left a lot less customers confused as to what happened to their android market!

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