May 18, 2012

Is there a limited time for unlimited?

How many of you use your smartphone for just about everything online, like checking email, facebook, using apps, and well just about anything? Odds are that most of you are. And why shouldn't you? The concept of having practical usable internet most anywhere in the world has been one of the most phenomenal developments of the new millenium. 

And you all pay a hefty price for it too. Here are the current prices for Verizon data packages:
75 MB for $10/month
2 GB for $30/month
5 GB for $50/month
10 GB for $80/month*

Notice that there aren't any unlimited plans offered anymore. For those of you that got grandfathered in, be grateful. Once your contract is up, be ready to go back to the regular keeping tabs on the usage. 

In perspective, this won't affect those of you who only use your phone for checking email and watching a couple YouTube videos. But be careful, it's a $10/GB charge if you go over your plan. What are the options? With the increasing lack of wi-fi only phones, like the Kin, the choices are becoming increasingly narrowed: either don't have internet or pay an arm and a leg to have it. 

What gives? Are we Verizon's customers or their taxpayers? To quote the article, Verizon's CFO stated the move to cancel unlimited usage is "beneficial for us for many reasons, obviously." Oh really? 

Verizon, who's serving who? Are you serving us, your loyal customers who have been faithful to you and supported your products? Or are we serving your pockets and your shareholders?

Can you hear us now?

Source article here
*Despite the article's claim of 20GB for $80, it's actually 10GB.


  1. Cell phone companies are getting outta control, for real!

    1. Totally agree! I am grandfathered into my unlimited data plan, but some of my family bought smartphones after it was too late. Cell phone companies are definitely trying to capitalize on this boom in smartphones.

  2. Another thing to watch out for: Most carriers require a data plan if you buy a smartphone. There is no opt-out.

    It is a controversy. But right now, Verizon (and other carriers) have been making a lot of friends up in Congress, so change won't happen anytime soon.

    1. I'm pretty sure all carriers require a data plan as of now with the exception of the Go-Phones. They have unlimited data, text, and minutes for a set price every month. It's similar to a pay as you go phone without the contract. Looking like a pretty viable option if cell phone companies keep hiking up the prices like this! haha.
