May 16, 2012

Texting and Walking

Sometimes it is plain funny to watch someone walk into someone or something when they are using their mobile devices... Just watch the video below:

However, texting and walking has become a new pedestrian hazard - which some people are reporting to be just as dangerous as texting and driving.  Sure, you may think it is funny when one of your friends runs into a pole, wall, or other object while they are distracted by their phone, but is there a further concern to this practice?

The humor ends when people get hurt.
The video above is very funny, just like other YouTube videos that show people being clumsy while they are walking.  There is even a video of a man who almost runs into a bear while staring down at his phone.  However, a lot of reports are indicating that people are getting hurt (sometimes even killed) by paying too much attention to their phone.  Author Howard Rheingold reports that one in six Americans admit walking into something while texting.  Other officials in London suggest that about ten percent of their population do the same thing.  Britain's Brick Lane was the first street in Britain to actually pad lampposts to prevent injuries from people walking into them. The article about the padded streets even says that the population would be in favor of having a "mobile motorway" - adding brightly colored lines to certain sidewalks to guide people in the right direction as they text and walk, similar to a bicycle lane.  I personally think that this is a bit silly...

Certain police officers don't find this funny, either.
In Fort Lee, New Jersey, police will fine people $85 for crossing the street while texting.  This is the same penalty that people receive if they are caught jaywalking.  The Police Chief, Thomas Ripoli, said that in a three month period, "we had three fatalities... and 23 people hurt."  The police officers are also handing out safety pamphlets to encourage the public to use better judgment and avoid texting and walking altogether. 

A mobile aid for texting and walking?
Incorporate apps released an application available to Android users called Walk and Text.  This application utilizes the camera phone to show the ground while walking with the device.  They use a transparent texting platform so users can still see the ground while sending messages or using other client programs.  This $1.99 app may not cure the problem, but at least it will probably prevent people from wandering into fountains.

What do you think?
Have any good stories about people texting and walking?  Do you think that police officers should give tickets to people who are "dangerous walkers?"  Sound off in the comments!

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