May 2, 2012

Cell phone flasks: giving a new meaning to drunk dialing

Most people carry a cell phone around nowadays.  These devices are probably the only things that don't get a second glance when passing through security at bars, clubs, events, or games.  On the other hand, alcohol is one of the most difficult items to get into an event with extra screening (pat-downs, metal detectors, etc.).  For the party animals that feel the need to have a continuous buzz throughout the night, they may be faced with options that aren't quite satisfactory - including drinking heavily beforehand or emptying their wallets on overpriced venue drinks.  Many people settle for these options.  However, some ingenious inventors have devised flasks intended to fool security and allow people to waltz right into an event bearing their booze of choice.  While I am not an advocate sneaking alcohol into events, I feel that these creative products (or concepts) were worth featuring in our mobile technology blog; and they would make a great gift for college friends or family.

1. The iPhone 4 flask (concept only)
Concept iPhone flask opening
This idea was proposed by designer Dhanai Holtzclaw and his friend Jarret almost two years ago.  These Los Angeles kids proposed a spring-loaded iPhone flask that could hold 8 fluid ounces of alcohol.  Their design allowed it to stay closed until the user slid the top to reveal the "headphone jack".  With a slogan that said "a smarter way to flask," these guys had everything they needed to make a great product - except capital.  They only managed to raise $70 out of a $10,000 online campaign goal that would allow them to create a prototype and prepare for manufacturing.  While they were unable to create the product (as of now), this concept created a lot of buzz, even landing them in an article on the Business Insider.  The idea sounds great - as long as people don't mistake their real iPhone for the flask when pouring their favorite spirit inside.  Maybe someone else will carry on with this project in years to come.

2. "Dumb phone" flasks

Flask offered at
These flasks are not as aesthetically pleasing as the concept for the iPhone one - simply because few people carry around phones that aren't "smart" nowadays.  However, for the price that you can get it for (as little as $5.99 for a 4oz model), these may be the perfect gift to give.  For someone that is seriously considering using these to get into events, I feel that they have both pros and cons.  First of all, most of the models (aside from the black $5.99 one) are stainless steel - similar to a traditional flask.  This means that most security measures would still recognize this as being odd.  The one perk that these things have is that they come with their own phone case that you can clip to your belt for added effect.  These flasks hold from 3 to 8 fluid ounces. They are typically priced at about ten bucks, but some sites online sell them for as high as $29.99!

3. The "Bev-Burry" by Binocktails
The Bev-Burry and accessories by Binocktails
Out of all of the existing models of cell phone flasks, I feel that the "Bev-Burry" is the most realistic.  Based on the slightly outdated Blackberry 7100g, this plastic flask holds 3 fluid ounces (100 ml.) of alcohol and comes with a carrying strap and funnel for just $12.99.  You can order one of these beauties here.  Another competitor tried to come in with the Boozeberry, but they have since gone out of business.  Binocktails also offers flasks that look like digital cameras and binoculars in case a smartphone isn't quite your style.

Closing remarks
I think that all of these flasks are quite entertaining; and they would certainly make great gifts for friends or family.  For people who are seriously considering ways to get into the next big game without having to buy alcohol from concessions, check out some other rather unique ideas at this blog.  Let me know what you guys think about sneaking alcohol into events and these crazy inventions in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Cell phone flasks are the ultimate blend of style and stealth, giving a whole new meaning to the term "drunk dialing." With their discreet design, these ingenious flasks allow you to carry your favorite beverage with you wherever you go, without arousing suspicion.
