May 25, 2012

What is the Facebook Camera?

When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg went around his board's back to shell out one billion dollars for an application that didn't generate any revenue, many of us were confused. I was at least. It's the same thing as buying a fancy car that won't take you to work in my opinion. But yesterday, Facebook released it's Facebook Camera App that's the mirror image of Instagram. If you can't beat 'em, buy em!

While it's essentially a streamlined app that loads pictures to your Facebook timeline, there are some features worth noting: 
-Post a bunch of photos at once
–See friends’ latest photos in one place–Play with crops and filters–Tag friends, add captions and say where you are –See photos from different apps

Pretty cool right? But what about Instagram? It's still there. And also, how are they going to profit off it? If Instagram was free to use, didn't cost money to post, made no money, and this app makes no money...I'm no professional, but isn't this a little far to go for just brand development?

Source article found here

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