June 11, 2012

Google Maps vs. Apple Maps: What's The Difference?

Google Maps vs. Apple Maps
Google Maps is available on both the Android and the Apple device - but Apple is making their move away from the Big G after it announced its release of Maps for iOS 6.   This service will replace Google Maps on the Apple smartphone.

So what are the main differences between Maps for Apple and Google Maps?

No Public Transportation - something that I have come to know and love after beginning to take the bus this year.  Apple's version of Maps will include turn-by-turn directions, as well as other features such as a traffic view and real-time reporting of incidents, but won't offer public transportation directions.

Adding Siri - what would Apple Maps be without Siri?  With Siri integrated into Apple's version of Maps, Siri can tell you anything from the closest grocery store or gas station to how to take an alternate route.

Integrating Yelp - both Google Maps and Apple's version offer the ability and option to look up the nearest restaurant.  But, Apple's version is going one step further by integrating Yelp.  It allows you to see ratings and reviews for the restaurant, as well as other details such as price, family-friendly, attire, etc.

3D Flyover - We've all used Google Maps to find our house and this was pretty impressive.  But, Apple has introduced 3D Flyover, a real-time feature that allows you to get a birds-eye view.  Same as Google?  Well, we'll have to wait until the actual release to do a side-by-side comparison, but over the past few years, Apple has dedicated itself to acquiring companies that can help them capture the best view.  Two of the three companies most undoubtably contributed to such a phenomenal product.

So, will you switch? After Google announced the ability to be accessed offline and their new view capturing technology, will Apple derail Google?

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