June 22, 2012

What is "Augmented Reality?"

Augmented reality is the next "it" application.
With Facebook, smartphones, TV and video games, the average attention span of a consumer is probably less than 5 seconds. However, a new form of digital interaction is aiming to capture audiences by overlaying digital information in the real world. It is called “Augmented Reality.” Augmented reality is defined as “computer-generated content—which typically includes graphics, audio and other sensory enhancements—that is superimposed over live images to enhance the real world” (WSJ, 2012). This interactive digital technology was created by Boeing to help engineers by placing blueprints and designs over actual wiring in the plane through the use of a headset. Today, advertisers and tech gurus are exploring how to monetize this form of interactivity.

Retail’s new reality
The potential power of augmented reality is still being discovered. Currently there are numerous apps on the market that are integrating augmented reality into the user experience. For example, a London museum allows users to hold up their phone while on a street and an overlay of what the street looked like hundreds of years ago will appear. The Stargazer app encourages followers to point their smartphones at the night sky and within seconds, constellations, stars and asteroids are overlayed with facts about them.

In online commerce, e-Bay intends to use augmented reality to allow bidders to see what items are currently being sold by fellow bidders in their neighborhood. Many retail executives are convinced that the future of business will be focused on digitally exploring local business opportunities. Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon Local and Google Offers are a testament that the shopping movement is all about local deals. I think it would be hilarious if Budweiser had an augmented reality app that never allowed your fridge to be out of beer with the ability to make cool photos and share them with friends.
The real estate industry is eager to begin exploring the integration of augmented reality to provide home buyers or renters the opportunity to virtually research and compare homes. A user points the phone up and down the street and the app highlights “what is for sale, or to rent, how much it costs and gives the user the chance to contact the property agent.” This tool could be a unique resource to help collect consumer data and encourage more people to explore buying a new home.

Street Tag is safe spray painting.
This technology will probably be most popular for entertainment and gaming apps. For example, try spray painting on public property without going to jail. The app spray paint lets users take a snapshot of a wall or object and then spray point over the item and share it with their friends. Augmented reality is expected to spread like a mass pandemic in the next 12 to 24 months. The key to being successful in today's market is obtaining information. The more you know about customers and their needs, the more accurately you can target their needs and effectively market to them. Make no mistake, knowledge is power. With the mass movement towards mobile marketing,
augmented reality is sure to impact the consumer shopping experience by creating a virtual world of interactivity. 

Comment below on any augmented reality apps you've recently discovered!

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