July 27, 2012

Do you want this?

Facebook is adding a "Want this" button to it site.
Facebook is planning to add a new member to its team of digital buttons. Fans and followers have always claimed their ownership by a simple "Like this" button. Soon the 900 million monthly active users on Facebook will be able to "want this." Facebook is using this as a stepping stone to entering e-commerce.

Facebook is the most popular social media site and is strategizing how it can apply user information and  enhancing the process of on-line shopping. Just imagine creating a wish list while shopping on-line and every time you add an item, your status update reads "Nike Air Jordans $149.99, Brandon 'wants this.'"

Facebook "wants this" technology to change the face of e-commerce.
Similar to how Amazon creates a consumer tracking system of past purchase behaviors, Facebook will be able to identify the shopping trends of its users. Essentially, you and your network of friends will be creating a social referral system of on-line shopping. This will make companies even more inclined to advertise on Facebook because merchants will be able to leverage this type of technology without having to build their own platforms. Facebook appears to be utilizing this technology to compete with Groupon, Amazon Local, LivingSocial, and Google Offers, which all offer daily deals and discounts.

How do you think adding a "want this" button will affect e-commerce?

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