July 13, 2012

The force is strong with this one

PredPol abbreviates for Predictive Policing.
PredPol, aka Predictive Policing, is analytical software that allows police to better predict where crime is occurring. Many police departments use outdated, inaccurate systems when attempting to target high crime areas. A lot of police departments are limited by their shortening budgets which results in fewer offices and less money to invest in new technology. However, this app has proved itself worthy.
PredPol is new technology for the force, but "IBM has been testing predictive policing software since 2010, using databases of past crimes and information like timing and weather to identify trends and map out predictions." Read the full article here. The company is making significant progress in reducing crime by partnering with police departments in Memphis, New York City, and most recently Charleston, South Carolina.

To determine hotspots for crime, PredPol relies on models for predicting aftershocks from earthquakes. "PredPol’s patent-pending technology forecasts highest risk times and places for future crimes." Police departments are able to purchase 500' x 500' boxed areas to target high-crime areas in order to respond quickly to calls.
This technology uses predictive analytics to reduce crime.

PredPol is a unique crime-stopping application because it does not simply map past crime data, but applies advanced mathematics and adaptive computer learning. As a result, PredPol has resulted in predictions "twice as accurate as those made through existing best practices by building on the knowledge and experience that already exists."

In a world that is becoming increasingly driven by data, it looks like technology will be used to help maximize the force of justice.

What are your thoughts about PredPol? Comment below please.

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