July 20, 2012

Stunned by the iPhone?

The Yellow Jacket gazer for iPhone 4 and 4S stings with 650k volts.
Shocking isn't it?

Ever wondered what it's like to be tazed? How about being tazed by one of the 75 million people who own an iPhone. A retired Army veteran has developed a gazer that attaches to an iPhone like a case and pulsates 650,000 volts through anything it touches. 

Yellow Jacket retails for $125.

Seth Froom invented the Yellow Jacket, a stun gun device that attaches to an iPhone. After being robbed by an armed criminal, Seth reflected on the traumatic experience by wondering how the situation would have played out differently had he been better prepared and protected. 

This idea by the 23 year-old and former military police officer developed into this product which retails at $125. The case not only protects the phone from scratches, but cracks down on crime. 

The stun gun is compatible for the iPhone 4 and 4S comes and includes an external battery, which provides the “added benefit of extending the iPhone's battery life by up to extra 20 hours.” The creators are proud to defend that this invention has the power to take down a "fully grown aggressive adult male." If you are worried about electrocuting yourself, rest assured because the case features a safety switch and rotating electrode cap.

Although this iPhone invention may seem ridiculous and highly dangerous, this isn't the first attempt at mixing smartphones and self-defense. SmartGuard offers an iPhone case that contains tubes of pepper spray, while Tiger security specialists offer a fake iPhone that doubles as a stun gun, but this requires someone to carry around a second phone.

Protect your screen and yourself!
If you are interested in buying this device, Froom and co-founder Sean Simone are currently fundraising on Indiegogo to make Yellow Jacket a reality. Currently, the duo has raised $15,000 with $100,000 as their end goal, with 16 days remaining.

From investigating this device, it sounds like the Yellow Jacket tazer for iPhone really stings!

Would you buy this iPhone case?  
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