August 1, 2012

Facebook experimenting with "Save for Later" feature

Save for later (photo by
Facebook is currently experimenting with a new feature for both the desktop and mobile versions of their website.  Save for Later allows users to add stories to a Saved folder.  This is similar to the Favorites feature on Twitter - minus the notification that it sends to users.

On the mobile version of Facebook, users can save a story by holding down on it until a window pops up with the option to save the story.  For the desktop version, this feature is displayed next to the Share, Comment, and Like buttons.

The good thing about this feature is the fact that it doesn't send notifications when users save stories.  Instead of having to like content and then view it on your profile activity later, you can simply have your own collection of funny pictures or interesting content that you don't have time to read immediately.

Currently, the Save for Later feature is being tested with a small percentage of the Facebook users.  For mobile users who have been selected to test it, there is no update necessary to use this function.  It was released Tuesday to a portion of the iPhone, iPad, and desktop users.

I personally think that this feature is much better than just liking material on Facebook.  It creates a personal cache for users to visit engaging material (or save it to show others) without having to share it publicly on your profile.  It also keeps your profile and notifications clean of clutter!  What do you think about this feature? Is this something that you would use?

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