September 28, 2012

Mayer's Big Moves, Yahoo!

Marissa Mayer is the CEO of Yahoo.

Marissa Mayer is revitalizing the culture at Yahoo by focusing on three major areas: mobile advertising, acquiring smaller tech companies and personalizing the web for its users. Employees at Yahoo will be rewarded with more ownership and project resources if they accomplish reaching 100 million users or $100 million in revenue. Mayer has been Yahoo's 5th CEO in 5 years.

Yahoo! headquarters in Sunnyvalle, California

Yahoo dominated the online scene in the 1990s and early 2000s. During this time, Yahoo was the search engine leader of web traffic and capitalized on this opportunity by selling display advertising. Within the last ten years, Google and Facebook have become the main sources of search for online users.  Yahoo has transitioned away from serving as a search engine to focusing on providing e-mail, enhancing its mobile and Internet advertising, and purchasing tech companies for their tech talent rather than their product offering.

Mayer was one of the first two dozen employees at Google and accumulated 14 years with the tech giant as she climbed the corporate ladder. She is applying her drive to restoring profitability at Yahoo and earlier this month, Yahoo announced a $3 billion return to shareholders after selling a portion of its equity in the Chinese site Alibaba for $7.1 billion.

In an effort to re-brand its image, Marissa Mayer is shifting the strategy for Yahoo. The company recognizes itself now as “the premier digital media company,” but only time will tell if this old dog has some new tricks.

Will Marissa Mayer be able to restore Yahoo as a successful company again?

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