October 30, 2012

Where is Hurricane Sandy?

With hurricane Katrina and the recent tsunami in Japan taking place, many people are on their toes.  Hurricane Sandy is currently effecting thousands on the east coast of the United States.  So, wouldn't it be nice to be able to track the hurricane in real time?  What about find a shelter for you and your family?  Here are some tips and apps to help you through this tough time.

First and foremost, keep your mobile devices charged (just leave them plugged in) while you can in case of a power outage.  In the case that you do experience a power outage, only use your phone for emergency phone calls, dim your screen brightness, and limit your background apps that are running.

Apps For Storm Tracking

The Weather Channel app is available for free and helps you stay up to date on weather and storm information.

The Hurricane HD app is available for $2.99 for Apple.  Yes - it costs a little more, but it utilizes information from the National Hurricane Center and contains rich graphics and satellite images.  It also has access to historical storms and allows you to see trend data.

The Dark Sky app is also available for Apple, but it costs $3.99.  Again, it contains rich graphics, satellite images.  But, it provides a detailed timeline of storm data.  It gives you minute by minute information on the current storm. If you drag your finger on the timeline into the future, it will forecast what is going to happen.

Help During the Storm

FEMA is a downloadable app for Android and Apple.  It has tons of valuable disaster preparedness information - such as checklists and what to do in the case of a natural disaster (like a hurricane).

Hurricane Red Cross is avaialbe for Android and Apple.  It provides information about open shelters and an "I'm Safe" alert for social networking sites to let your friends and family know you're safe.

- From your friends at Your Mobile Life, we hope you stay safe east coasters! Let us know if you are using any other apps to help you through this tough time that might be informative to our readers.

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