March 7, 2012

Apple unveils new iPad with 3.1M-pixel Retina Display

Earlier today, Apple announced the release of a new iPad that has been nicknamed the "iPad 3" or "iPad HD". This product will be coming to 10 countries starting on Friday, March 16th.  With a 2,048-by-1,536-pixel resolution, the product's Retina Display crams 3.1 million pixels into a 9.7-inch display.  Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing, Phil Schiller, noted that the screen on the new iPad has more pixels than a 1080p television.

So what features come with the new iPad?

  1. Retina Display: 264 pixels per inch that cannot be distinguished by the human eye at 15 inches away.
  2. Improved camera: 5 megapixel iSight camera with advanced optics and the ability to shoot 1080p video.
  3. A5X chip with quad-core graphics: Enhances media content to run smoothly with the improved display. 
  4. 4G LTE: Select models with 4G capability allow connections to faster wireless networks. 
  5. 10 hour battery life: Improved performance comes without the expense of additional battery life. 
Apple is surprisingly offering this product at the same price points and capacities as the iPad 2. The only addition to the price is $130 if customers choose the 4G models.  For those of you who were interested in the iPad 2 but turned it down because of price, Apple cut the retail for those models by about $100.  To view all of the product specifications, pricing / capacities, and see some applications that will be taking advantage of the new technology, visit Apple Insider for a full breakdown.

The new iPad commercial targets a mass audience instead of tech enthusiasts.

Rather than focusing on tech geeks, Apple released a commercial for the new iPad that seems to focus more on the end users of their product.  This advertisement highlights just how impressive Apple's Retina Display is without ever using any description besides the technology's name.  The commercial depicts vivid scenery and footage of children to not only express the high resolution of the new iPad, but to also hit home with families who may be viewing the commercial.  By not bragging about features, Apple still created an impressive advertisement that piques the interest of the viewers.  You can view the 30-second advertisement below:


  1. Nice review of the new iPad. Can you check the video. It does not play.

  2. Thanks, Sven! We'll check it out!

  3. Thanks for the feedback, Sven! Apple took down their paid advertisement (which the video was linked from) - so I found another source with the same advertisement!
