March 5, 2012

Nordstrom's New Mobile Check-Out System: No More Standing in Line

Nordstrom, the well known department store chain, is a high end, luxury retailer that prides its self on incredible and friendly customer service. If you have every made a purchase at a Nordstrom store, you most likely know exactly what I am talking about. There are many factors that go into creating this indescribable customer experience. Whether it be friendly and attentive staff, a good selection, the ambiance, or whatever your personal preference is… Nordstrom seems to have this down. But according to the typical customer and MSN Money, Nordstrom ranks #4 for the best customer service.

But Nordstrom has thrown its competitors a curve ball. They are enhancing their customer service experience even more than before. It’s already an exceptional experience. So, how is this possible? Well, probably the most recognizable purchasing process can be found at Apple stores. Apple has utilized its own technology, the iPhone and the iPod Touch, to speed up and enhance their customer service experience. When customers are ready to purchase products at an Apple store, sales personnel can use their “iProduct” to complete the transaction and email the receipt to the customer. This same technology allows sales personnel to check inventory nationwide and look up past purchases.

Of course, Nordstrom was not far behind. Nordstrom has utilized Apple's technology in their stores. Because Nordstrom prides itself on the customer service experience, they were not hesitant to jump on this bandwagon. From a customer’s perspective this technology is great because that’s more time to shop and less time standing in line, the receipt is emailed to you so there is no chance of losing it, and it helps staff better serve the customer. From a business’ perspective this may potentially be even greater. This allows sales personnel to spend more time with the customer; creating and improving conversation and potentially raising the average sale. In addition, because sales personnel are not standing behind the counter or in the back checking inventory for customers, there is better floor coverage and more customers can be served more efficiently. Sounds like a real win for the customer – and for Nordstrom.

Nordstrom may have just recently developed their new application, but it is emerging into the mobile world at a slow and steady pace. With its introduction of mobile check-out in the retail stores, who knows what else Nordstrom is capable of.

Read More Here.


  1. Great story. Did you see the Nordstrom App yet for iPhone and Android?

    1. Yes, Sven! I did see their application on the iTunes website. I haven't yet looked for it on the Android, but I'm sure its functionality is the same as for the iPhone. You can see more at

  2. Thanks Alyssa. Yes, it's also available for Android.
