March 19, 2012

Let The Tablet Wars Begin

Apple, Windows, and now… Samsung? Do I smell some competition?

We all think of Apple as truly having a way of taking the technology world by storm with their ever-evolving new versions of the iPhone, iPod, and the iPad. They are constantly changing and adding new and unique features that help diversify their products from everyone else. Many consumers find it hard to keep up with Apple. Some consumers even find this extremely frustrating… as illustrated in this fantastic comic done by The Oatmeal.

But what is Apple up to now? It’s rumored that Apple is going to release a 7-inch iPad after Samsung possibly accidently, but “officially” announced it would start shipping Android mini-tablets sometime early next year. But with all this competition, will Apple be able to effectively keep up? How many versions of its infamous iPad can it possibly come out with? Apparently a lot…

In an earlier post about the release of the iPad 3, we discussed how Apple is always one-upping the competition and staying ahead of the game. Before the Microsoft decided to release the Windows 8 tablet, Apple was already on number two. But what does this mean for companies like Microsoft and for example, Samsung? Apple has its followers trained. We like the iPod, the iPhone, and the MacBook… and now the iPad. We don’t want to switch. We don’t want to learn a new tech language. We enjoy the ease of use that it provides, and we’ve become so accustomed to these unique features that it is going to be a true challenge for the competition to step in and sway consumers. Unless companies can price themselves at a much lower and competitive price point, it appears that Apple has already dominated the tablet market.

For a side-by-side comparison of the Windows 8 tablet and the iPad, you can view this 10-minute video for more details.

Let us know your thoughts.


  1. I don't think that Apple is in the need to develop a iPad mini. I agree with the report that it would undercut its current pricing structure. Apple's market share is so huge and it sets the de-facto standard. I believe competitors are offering mini versions to target the lower price segment.

    And with regard to Microsoft: they have a long way to catch up!

    1. Unfortunately for Microsoft, they may never catch up. Apple has created quite the reputation for themselves! Samsung and Apple have a unique relationship though - Samsung produces the screens for the iPad. They need to maintain their relationship with Apple, while also continuing to compete!
