May 11, 2012

For the moms

Let me start off by saying thank you to my own mother, who I know has not been the same since giving birth to me. Thank you for being sick as a dog for nine months, then frustrated for the next two hundred and fifty seven. Thank you for using a wooden spoon instead of a baseball bat, for making sure I made my sheets every day before I left to visit friends, for making me put in an application for Army ROTC, and for the laundry. For you men out there, give a big hug and a smooch to your mom this Sunday. Even if she's mean to you, remember, in the words of Bill Cosby, that she "brought you into this world, and can take you right out."

So besides lavishing your mom with gifts (remember that Mother's day is on Sunday if you live under a rock, or about to be) there are some ways that you can make her life a bit more manageable, all located on her phone.

Cozi Family Organizer
This here is your calender app. This'll help you with the day to day reminders and help keep you on task when you just have so much to do and it's pretty easy to get scatterbrained. I'm engaged, and my mind goes mumbo-jumbo just from that. So props to you if you've got a husband and children to also take care of. You're doing something irreplaceable and incredibly valuable. But this cozy has four main ideas: family calendar, shopping list, to-do list, and the family journal. Pretty self-explanatory. This app has been given tons of good reviews, is free, and will be a valuable tool in your smartphone arsenal. Personal Finance
For those of you not familiar with Mint, it's an all-in-one finance site that tracks how much you're taking in, saving, spending, goal meeting. It's made by Intuit, the same company that made Turbotax and the iPhone card swiper for small businesses. It has top of the line security and is well worth the investment. It allow you to set up monthly budgets so that you can keep track of your spending i.e. $500 for groceries, $425 for gas, etc. This is a good app for anyone who wants to be responsible with the money they have and don't want to squander it -- and it's free!

For those of you that read my earlier post on porn and the ease of access of it, this is one of you solutions so that your little ones can browse the internet while you're driving or  doing something and let them have the smartphone without them seeing stuff that you hope to keep from them. While it does cost five bucks, its a worthy investment, and I'd even appreciate it if it blocked crap from my eyes. It's user friendly, has about the same browser speed while filtering, and even uses Google while filtering. Get it.

Pageonce Bills
How many bills do we have nowadays? Too many! Personally, just for me in a bit, there's rent, utilities, insurance, gas, medical, phone, and that in itself is a whole lot to take care of. I can't even imagine throwing kids in there. Pageonce works as a reminder, both to tell you when and how much you owe. Just enter you account information, and it'll do the rest. Instead of sitting there worrying about what all you have to take care of, just pop out your phone and let it handle things. Now that's practical.

iPee Address Restroom Locator
Personally, I find this to be one of the most creative ideas ever. There are apps to find Wi-fi, hotels, deals, food, gas, so what's missing? A bathroom finder! As a non-mom i find this to be pretty dang useful -- and it comes with reviews, pictures so you aren't stuck with buying that extra coffee to use Starbucks or that really weird gas station one that is just kinda on the smelly side of things In all seriousness, the more people who use this, the better the bathroom market will be for all of us.  This is also a free app, and will save you both stress and time when you're on the go and you just gotta go.

Thankfully, there are tons of different apps like these out there that will make your life very manageable.
For more practical help, visit the, which was the source for this article

One last thing to the dads: she better get breakfast in bed. And a glass of wine.

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