June 29, 2012

Have you Googled Google’s new tablet?

Everyone who is anyone is making tablets these days. Well, Google has decided it is their turn now. Apple’s iPad launched in 2010 and is currently promoting the iPad 3 with HD and retina display. Then, Amazon sparked the Kindle in 2007 & Kindle Fire in 2011 for e-readers. The Nook, from Barnes & Noble, was born in 2009. Last week, Microsoft announced the Surface, the software company’s first tablet ever, which will run Windows 8. Not to mention all the other big players like Sony, Motorola, Samsung and a list of other manufacturers who are contributing to the tablet craze.

Google's Nexus 7 is ready to ship in mid-Juy.
The Google Nexus 7 tablet is designed by Google, but built by Taiwan’s Asus. Nexus 7 is priced at $199 and will be ready to ship in mid-July. However, the Google tablet is already available for pre-order in the Google Play Market. Positioned to directly compete with Amazon’s KindleFire, the Nexus 7 allows users to read books, magazines and watch movies. Weighing in at 12 ounces, the Nexus 7 boasts a rich HD screen and a faster graphics chipset.    To entice people to buy the tablet from Google, customers will receive a $25 credit to spend on Google Play, as well as some great free content, including your own copy of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. 

Less charging, more doing
How much time do you spend playing games and browsing the Internet? The Nexus 7 has "over 9 hours of HD video playback, 10 hours of web browsing or 10 hours of e-reading and up to 300 hours of stand-by time, Nexus 7 is designed to go the distance." This tablet was made to capture all audiences from the dedicated reader, to the movie fanatic to the constant gamer. 

Forward to the Future
Google needed a back-up plan with the tablet launch because the joint venture with Samsung in creating the Galaxy Tab was ordered by a court this Tuesday to prevent further sales of the tablet in the U.S. When comparing tablet sales over this year, Apple accounted for “62% of the world's tablets this year, compared to 36% for Android.” The Blackberry Playbook offered by Research in Motion has experienced a difficult reception by customers. The Kindle Fire is the hottest low-end tablet on the market currently and although it relies on Google’s operating system, consumers are directed to the Amazon marketplace.

The Nexus 7 weighs 12 ounces with a 7 inch HD screen.

     How many apps are designed for the iPad? Try 225,000 iPad specific apps, but the Android apps are so few, Google refrains from listing a number. However, the explosive success of the Kindle Fire has prompted Google to pursue a low-priced tablet of its to give Android the boost it needs to truly compete with the iPad. To put the pressure on competitors, Google announced Wednesday that it is activating 1 million Android devices every day.” Tablets are rapidly replacing PCs as the main source for people to browse the web and complete work. 

Will Google’s Nexus 7 be the next sensation or will it flop like Google Plus? 

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