July 2, 2012

PadMapper: The New Way to Search for Apartments

Apartment shopping can be a tedious and downright frustrating experience - between the websites that want all your personal information and Craigslist, filled with scams and advertisements that are hard to navigate.  Ultimately, many people end up having their email inbox blown up with junk mail and feel frustrated at the end of the day. Apartment hunting online can really be a tedious process.

Whether you are going off to college, moving in with roommates or a significant other, or moving for a new job,  the idea of apartment shopping is almost worse than the actual packing and unpacking experience.  Recently,  I discovered an sanity-saving app that assists in the apartment shopping experience.  PadMapper is a location-based app that allows you to search for apartment listings near you.  Listings cannot be promoted and therefore, you will get to see what you really want to see.

Listings can be narrowed down by Zip Code, Price Range, Number of Rooms and Bathrooms.  You can also select whether you want Subleases, Full Leases, and/or Rooms/Shares to be included in your search results.  There are some additional advanced search options including whether you have dogs, cats, would prefer something with a no-fee pet policy, etc.  Results are displayed in the form of a list and on a clickable map, which makes things both visual and easy to navigate.

Let us know what you think about PadMapper in the comments!  Do you think it's better than Craigslist?

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