July 9, 2012

Apple Is No Longer a Green Competitor.

Apple is undeniably a force to be reckoned with - but they recently asked the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) to remove all of their products from the green registry.  What does this mean?  Well, the EPEAT is the organization that sets all the environmental standards for electronic products and now, Apple's products no longer meet these standards.  In the more recent future, environment-friendly and sustainable products are much more important than they were in the past.  Many consumers will choose one product over another, even if it costs more, just because it's environmentally friendly.  It's sometimes a deciding factor in which product to purchase.

Apple currently has 39 products on the market today and all 39 were taken off the green registry.  Apple's request was made roughly two weeks ago, according to WSJ, but the EPEAT just made the public announcement.  Apple has recently removed its claim to be environmentally friendly off their website even though they used to brag about how environmentally friendly the MacBook Pro was because of it contains less toxic components and its energy efficiency.

What do you think this means for competition?  Do you think this will be detrimental to Apple?

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