August 10, 2012

Android is eating away at Apple's share

Android owns 68% of the global smartphone market.
As of spring 2012, nearly half of all Americans own a smartphone, about 46% of the adult population. The percentage of adults who own a tablet nearly doubled over the 2011 holiday season from 10% to 19%. With how dominate Apple has been recently, Google is stealing some of the limelight. Android has surged ahead of Apple in  the smartphone market share.

According to a Wednesday report from the research firm IDC, "Google's Android surged to a whopping 68% share of the global smartphone market last quarter. That's four times the 17% market share held by Apple" (CNN).

Android is ahead of Apple
 in the smartphone market.
IDC conducts research on the mobile market and the economic factors that influence consumer purchase behavior. While gathering data for this report, IDC observed that "nearly 105 million Android phones were shipped in the second quarter- more than double the number shipped at the same time last year."

Apple has gained 28% over this year, shipping 26 million phones. Android has the ability to continually release new phones. A great portion of Android's smartphone success can be attributed to Samsung, which represented "44% of all Android phones shipped during the quarter." The Samsung Galaxy S III debuted recently and has received favorable reviews. However, Apple and Samsung are setting off a legal debate with Apple's allegations concerning Samsung's design replication of the iPhone.

Meanwhile, Android and iOS's combined 85% market share didn't leave much room for competitors.BlackBerry phones from Research in Motion have suffered, with phone shipments declining by 41% over the year to 7.4 million. That represented less than 5% of the smartphone market- the lowest since 2009, IDC said. Nokia has experienced similar stress as the once global phone now only occupies 4.4% of
 the global market. Microsoft's partnership with Nokia has lost millions of dollars for this mobile mistake.
Android vs. iPhone
Who do you choose?

Although Apple may have less smart phone market share, the company is experiencing significant growth with its iPhone sales. The iPhone 5 is expected to be released for sale this September. Keep in mind that Apple also produces only one phone, while there are numerous Androids available to choose from. However, as of now, the day is won by Android.

Do you own an Android or an Apple phone? Tell us on our Facebook!

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