August 21, 2012

Apple Answers to Problems with SMS Spoofing

Apple has to answer to a pretty big allegation today.  A well-known hacker, pod2g, opened up a pretty big can of worms for Apple claiming that he had found a flaw in iOS dating all the way back to the beginning of Apple.  He mentioned this on Twitter a few days ago and also on his blog this afternoon.  Pod2g claimed that he found a flaw that he believes Apple knows about and that other hackers may know about as well.  What does this mean for the security of your text messages? 

Your text messages may not be as private as you thought and they may not even be from the person you thought they were from.  Text messages are exchanged though mobile devices over the carrier's network.  Text messages can be created and the Reply To address changed.  This makes text messages appear from one person, but responses are sent to a different address.

In response to these allegations, Apple encourages users to use their service, iMessage, instead of downloaded text services.  Apple states that they take “security very seriously," in a statement.  “When using iMessage instead of SMS, addresses are verified, which protects against these kinds of spoofing attacks.”  SMS users should also be wary of links to photos, videos, and websites that may be suspicious.  This spoofing can lead users to trust people and texts that they shouldn't.

Have you ever received SMS text messages that are spoofed?  How could you tell they were spoofed?

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