August 22, 2012

InstaCube takes Instagram to a new level

Instacube display (source:

We have all come to know and accept Instagram as part of our typical social media experience.  However, there haven't been many ways to share and display your photos outside of smartphones and computers (unless you want to turn your Instagram pictures into coasters).  Instacube might be the solution. 

Instacube is an Internet-connected box that has rounded edges and a 600x600-pixel LCD touchscreen display.  After connecting it to a wireless network and logging in with your Instagram account, you can use its buttons to power the device on and off, switch between different Instagram picture feeds, and to "Like" photos.  The feeds can vary based on what you choose - showing a rotating display of your own photos, the photos of people you follow, or images from the "popular" feed. 

The device has an Android processor and a lithium battery (meaning you can keep a chic display without cables dangling everywhere).  It has 4GB Internal Flash Memory and 256MB of RAM to make for easy viewing and processing of images. 

Unfortunately, this device is not being produced yet.  Savannah Peterson and the rest of the Instacube founders are hoping to raise $250,000 on KickStarter.  They have already reached the $100,000 mark; and they have until September 31st to raise the rest of the money.  The first 1,000 people to pledge $99 or more will receive an Instacube.  They are also offering a limited-quantity Collector's Edition Instacube that will be engraved with your Instagram handle or name (optional).  

I personally think the Instagram is a more contemporary (and better) version of the digital photo frames that you see for sale today.  I feel that this will be much more engaging - being able to upload new content on its own.  It makes for a display that people never need to update (and hopefully never get tired of).  What do you think of it?

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