August 27, 2012

Apple News: What Patents Did Samsung Violate?

Samsung (Left) vs. Apple (Right)
A federal jury made up of nine jurors decided the fate of Samsung on Friday and ruled that Samsung must pay more that $1 billion dollars for allegedly infringing on five of Apples patents.  After just 700 questions and 3 days of deliberation, the jury returned with their decision.  

Samsung tried to avoid court by negotiating with Apples, but Apple took them straight to court and is now trying to get eight of their smartphones actually banned in the U.S.  This is a pretty blaring contrast to non-U.S countries that say Samsung didn't copy any of Apples products.  Although the $1 billion dollar price-tag for "cheating" isn't a huge financial blow for Samsung, it may detour other companies, including Samsung, from creating Apple "look alike" products.  NY Times says, "Customers could end up with some welcome diversity in phone and tablet design - or they may be stuck with devises that manufacturers clumsily revamped to avoid crossing Apple."

Just some of the patents that Apple has claimed that they infringed on are:
  1. The Bounce Back Effect - when scrolling to the end of the list
  2. The Pinch to Zoom Effect
  3. The Physical Design of the iPhone
Samsung claims that they will ask the court to overturn their decision and if they don't they say they will take it to higher court.   Do you think that Samsung will counter sue to protect their company and claims that they didn't actually copy Apple?  Or do you think they will revamp their entire line of devises just to stay in the race?

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