September 3, 2012

Mobile Checkout System for Walmart

Walmart Mobile Self-Checkout
Nordstrom experimented and implemented an iPhone-based checkout system for employees to simplify the shopping process for customers.  But now Walmart is testing a checkout system that allows customers to check themselves out and skip the cashier all together.  Technology is creeping its way into every aspect of our lives - and now it may actually have a big effect on jobs for employees.  

At Walmart, Customers will scan and bag their items as they shop and all they must do before leaving the store is swing by the self-checkout and finalize the purchase.  This will cut costs for Walmart shoppers even more than ever. But what does this mean for the employees?  Many employees were invited to participate in the testing round at a Arkansas Walmart store and some may wonder - how will they feel if they are participating in planning their own replacement?  If the iPhone checkout system takes the place of regular human cashiers, many current employees may find themselves displaced.  

Nordstrom's checkout system is iPhone-based, but it is operated by an employee that assists you during your shopping trip.  Walmart's checkout system is rumored to be customer operated and will not involve the employee customer contact during the checkout time.  This could negatively effect the overall shopping experience.  Many people don't want to use the self-checkout at the store because it poses challenges, sometimes is not super convenient and can be more work than its worth.  From personal experience, I go to the self-checkout when lines are longer than usual or when I only have a few items.  If I have a cart or I am purchasing fruit (where you don't scan it) or alcohol, I almost always go stand in a line because I would prefer someone else do the work for me.  If customers start checking themselves out, we lose the option to use the self-checkout or regular.   

Do you think that mobile checkout is a good idea for stores like Walmart?  Do you think employees are going to be upset that they could be replaced with an iPhone?

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