September 17, 2012

Snapseed vs. Instagam

Snapseed, the mobile & desktop app
Google recently acquired Nik Software, the creator of Snapseed, for an undisclosed amount.  Snapseed is a photo-editing software that was designed specifically for for iOS and is available as an app or as a desktop app for Mac and Windows.

There seems to be two major players in the photo-editing app space - Instagram, owned by Facebook, and Snapseed, owned by Google.  Instagram has features that include filters, rotation and cropping tools, and is linked into their well known social media network where users can share photos with their friends.  Snapseed on the other hand is a bit more advanced in their feature offerings, but doesn't have a unique social media network to share pictures. 

Google seems to be creating an arsenal of photo-editing software between the newest addition, Snapseed, and their purchase of Picnik, a browser-based editor.  Google may be ramping up to utilize their newest addition on Google+ and combat with Facebook.  Google could also offer the Snapseed app in the Google Play Store on their Android phones.  Pairing the advanced features of Snapseed with Google+ and other social sharing sites, Google could give Facebook and their billion dollar investment in the photo-editing app, Instagram, a run for their money.

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