November 12, 2012

Yahoo's Fantasy Football Fail

Fantasy Football's popularity has increased pretty steadily over the past few football seasons.  Players begin a league with their friends, pick their players, and arrange their match ups each week all through the convenient mobile app or the website.  Football is incredibly competitive with or without your own Fantasy league.  But, what happens when the Yahoo! Fantasy app and website randomly shut down minutes before kick-off? Ask Yahoo!

Yahoo's Fantasy Football website and app shut down on Sunday just minutes before kick off at 1pm EST, which left Fantasy fanatics scrambling and down right angry.  Unable to change their line ups, draft and change players, and check their match ups, Fantasy players unleashed on Yahoo via Twitter. 

Yahoo released an apology today, but the damage has already been done to many Fantasy players teams and may be the difference between winning and losing the whole thing for some.  Yahoo's apology read:
We apologize sincerely for the outage on Sunday. We are working on the fix—the site is stabilized—and will update everyone on next steps for how to handle week 10. Currently, data and scores can be viewed on our mobile apps but for now you cannot make transactions or change line-ups from the apps.
Many are still angry and making it very apparent on many social media outlets.  Some Fantasy players can find some comfort with the fact that Yahoo lost out on millions of pageviews, which translates into millions of missed ad revenues.  But, since many players use a pay-to-play strategy in leagues and their teams were negatively affected which could result in a subsequent loss, these players may remain very bitter.

Some players are even considering using a new Fantasy platform next year.  Are you considering switching and if so, which app will you use?

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