November 14, 2012

HDR Camera for Android - great for photo enthusiasts

HDR Camera app logo
If you love photography, then you probably know what High Dynamic Range (HDR) photos are.  For those of you who don't, I will explain.

Real life scenes have a wide range of light intensity, much of which cannot be captured by regular cameras.  This sometimes causes bright areas to look washed out and shadowed areas to appear as black spots (with no details).  HDR takes multiple pictures with different light settings and combines them into one image - creating a very detailed image that is more similar to real life.

Fortunately, Almalence Incorporated offers an HDR Camera application that is available for iPhone and Android devices, making HDR photography simple on smartphones.

The free version
On Google Play, there is a free version of this application.  It does have advertising, but it allows for you to take HDR photos without having to use a tripod to hold your phone steady.  It offers some basic settings (such as flash control, geo tagging, and select parameters that you can adjust), but it is still somewhat limited compared to HDR Camera +, the premium app that costs just $1.99.

HDR Camera +
HDR Camera + gives you access to many small adjustments (such as color vividness, local and micro contrast, exposure, and editing options).  This version of the app is great because it offers preset filters that you can apply to your image after shooting.  You can even edit the setting of them.  For just $1.99, why settle for basic functions?  I use HDR Camera +, and I would definitely recommend it for someone who wants to make the most of their smartphone camera capabilities.

Some samples
I included a couple sample photos that I took with the HDR Camera + application.  Let me know what you think (or if you have any questions about the app)!

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