April 2, 2012

The POWER Struggle

As three students at Pacific Lutheran University taking an e-Marketing course and creating / maintaining this blog, we found the Marketing Pilgrim blog, along with others, to be incredibly useful for designing our blog posts each week. Though this post may not be directly related to mobile technology, I felt that it is directly related to our blogging success.

Joe Hall, the author of the Marketing Pilgrim blog, wrote a post that really hit home for us. We chose to blog about mobile technology – which is such a huge industry, especially right now. Between the rise in technology and the growing concern about privacy, Your Mobile Life has a lot to blog about. But there are a few things that we always ask ourselves before writing and posting is – Is it relevant? Is it important? Is it useful?

Joe Hall uses the acronym: POWER

O – is it ORIGINAL?


R – is it REAL?

He derived this inspirational acronym from the original THINK acronym.

T – is it TRUE?

H – is it HELPFUL?
I – is it INSPIRING?

N – is it NECESSARY?
K – is it KIND?

Many individuals start blogging, continue to blog, and become incredibly successful. Others start blogging, keep blogging, and go completely unnoticed. What divides these two scenarios is the information that they provide to their readers – how original is the information and is it and if it is even worth talking about.  This is taken into consideration with each of our blog posts!


  1. I love Joe Hall's blog. I have been following it and I think there is a little more than to just following these acronyms..Do you guys think the questions that the acronyms ask are opinion based? From my experience, one person writing the blog may think something is inspiring and kind but another person my find that same topic dull and blunt? It is a hard balance to find.

    The topic of your blog is huge, and I think it was smart to pick something that related to so many different people. A huge amount of the population has a mobile device and especially in our generation it is more important to have our entire lives accessible on it.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I really appreciate Joe Hall's blog as well. I think he posts on very real and relevant topics. While his acronyms are important and can be used as a rule of thumb, I also believe that each one must be taken with a grain of salt. When writing blog posts, we definitely try to write a post that will do the most good for the greatest number of people. I think that is a challenge that we will all face when blogging, no matter what the topic. You can't please everyone and what you chose to blog about may be important to some and irrelevant to others- but when posting, we definitely try to try to ask ourselves these questions.

      Thanks for reading.

  2. The two acronyms are interesting. I think THINK is a good rule. And it applies more to the individual hobby blogger. POWER includes profit and making money. I have to question that this is a goal of many bloggers. But once you do this on a professional basis, it becomes more relevant.

    1. I think that both of these acronyms really relate to what I learned at MarketMix 2012 from guest speaker Russell Sparkman. People (especially in businesses) must "think like a marketer, but act like a publisher." Content isn't king, but rather "content is gold." Without valuable content that engages users, you will not find success online - ultimately impacting conversions (or followers on not-for-profit blogs).

    2. Absolutely! I completely agree, Zach. I think each blog has its own purpose and goals - and to be successful, it has to consistently provide relevant information to its readers. Whether the blogger is seeking to gain profit or just an increase in followers/readers, a blogger can't be successful without good content.
