October 8, 2012

VoterHub: Your One-Stop-Shop for Everything Voting

With the upcoming election only a month away, many people are becoming much more in tune with their political views, watching the debates, and reading up on the views and initiatives of each candidate.  No matter what side of the fence you are on, Democrat or Republican, there is one app that can connect you with an abundance of information, including your local polling location.

VoterHub, an app available on Android and soon to be available on the iPhone, is designed to be a non-partisan, free of sponsorship application that connects voters to news about the election from the Associated Press.  It allows voters to search and locate their local polling location, gives access to other crucial voting information, and deciphers all of those other fun initiatives that are piled on to the November ballot. VoterHub can also be accessed from the web.

Voting is part of our civic duty in the United States.  Because voting is such an integral part of the United States and having your voice heard is crucial.  Voters struggle to find non-partisan information in a sea of biased press and sponsored advertisements.  A research study done in 2006 by Pew Research states that 22% of adults are unregistered, while 35% are regular voters.  Everyone else falls in the middle.  Registered but rate voters make up 23%, which means that these voters are registered, but rarely make it to the polls.  The remaining 20% is referred to as intermittent voters, which essentially means that they make less informed voting decisions and are typically uncertain of their choices.  VoterHub will essentially help the middle 43% of voters (intermittent and the registered, but rare voters).  This app connects voters with information that would have to be searched for into one central location leaving less of an excuse for missing the polls or making uninformed choices on Election Day.

Will you use VoterHub as your source of information on Election Day?

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