June 29, 2012

Have you Googled Google’s new tablet?

Everyone who is anyone is making tablets these days. Well, Google has decided it is their turn now. Apple’s iPad launched in 2010 and is currently promoting the iPad 3 with HD and retina display. Then, Amazon sparked the Kindle in 2007 & Kindle Fire in 2011 for e-readers. The Nook, from Barnes & Noble, was born in 2009. Last week, Microsoft announced the Surface, the software company’s first tablet ever, which will run Windows 8. Not to mention all the other big players like Sony, Motorola, Samsung and a list of other manufacturers who are contributing to the tablet craze.

Google's Nexus 7 is ready to ship in mid-Juy.
The Google Nexus 7 tablet is designed by Google, but built by Taiwan’s Asus. Nexus 7 is priced at $199 and will be ready to ship in mid-July. However, the Google tablet is already available for pre-order in the Google Play Market. Positioned to directly compete with Amazon’s KindleFire, the Nexus 7 allows users to read books, magazines and watch movies. Weighing in at 12 ounces, the Nexus 7 boasts a rich HD screen and a faster graphics chipset.    To entice people to buy the tablet from Google, customers will receive a $25 credit to spend on Google Play, as well as some great free content, including your own copy of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. 

June 27, 2012

Gilt Taste releases iPad app for the kitchen June 27, utilizes touchless interface

Gilt Taste
Gilt Taste logo
 Ever find pulling up recipes on your iPad but not wanting to use it in the kitchen - fearing that you will get your messy hands all over it?  Well, so have many people.  Fortunately, e-commerce company Gilt Taste has a solution for this need.  Released today, this iPad-only application that shares the name Gilt Taste has 140 appealing recipes that can be easily accessed using a touchless interface.  This allows for ease of use and a clean screen while cooking in the kitchen.

June 25, 2012

Remembering the Life of Michael Jackson

Many memories and tributes go out to Michael Jackson as people remember his life on the third anniversary of his death.  As Twitter blows up with trending topics, Facebook's news feed is overtaken by status updates, how does Apple remember his life?  With an app, of course!

Michael Jackson The Experience is a rhythm-based game created for the Michael Jackson fanatics.  The game comes with four songs (Beat It, Smooth Criminal, Blood on the Dance Floor, and Speed Demon), but additional songs can be purchased.  The game invites you to journey through some of Michael Jackson's most legendary hits.

June 22, 2012

What is "Augmented Reality?"

Augmented reality is the next "it" application.
With Facebook, smartphones, TV and video games, the average attention span of a consumer is probably less than 5 seconds. However, a new form of digital interaction is aiming to capture audiences by overlaying digital information in the real world. It is called “Augmented Reality.” Augmented reality is defined as “computer-generated content—which typically includes graphics, audio and other sensory enhancements—that is superimposed over live images to enhance the real world” (WSJ, 2012). This interactive digital technology was created by Boeing to help engineers by placing blueprints and designs over actual wiring in the plane through the use of a headset. Today, advertisers and tech gurus are exploring how to monetize this form of interactivity.

Retail’s new reality
The potential power of augmented reality is still being discovered. Currently there are numerous apps on the market that are integrating augmented reality into the user experience. For example, a London museum allows users to hold up their phone while on a street and an overlay of what the street looked like hundreds of years ago will appear. The Stargazer app encourages followers to point their smartphones at the night sky and within seconds, constellations, stars and asteroids are overlayed with facts about them.

In online commerce, e-Bay intends to use augmented reality to allow bidders to see what items are currently being sold by fellow bidders in their neighborhood. Many retail executives are convinced that the future of business will be focused on digitally exploring local business opportunities. Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon Local and Google Offers are a testament that the shopping movement is all about local deals. I think it would be hilarious if Budweiser had an augmented reality app that never allowed your fridge to be out of beer with the ability to make cool photos and share them with friends.
The real estate industry is eager to begin exploring the integration of augmented reality to provide home buyers or renters the opportunity to virtually research and compare homes. A user points the phone up and down the street and the app highlights “what is for sale, or to rent, how much it costs and gives the user the chance to contact the property agent.” This tool could be a unique resource to help collect consumer data and encourage more people to explore buying a new home.

Street Tag is safe spray painting.
This technology will probably be most popular for entertainment and gaming apps. For example, try spray painting on public property without going to jail. The app spray paint lets users take a snapshot of a wall or object and then spray point over the item and share it with their friends. Augmented reality is expected to spread like a mass pandemic in the next 12 to 24 months. The key to being successful in today's market is obtaining information. The more you know about customers and their needs, the more accurately you can target their needs and effectively market to them. Make no mistake, knowledge is power. With the mass movement towards mobile marketing,
augmented reality is sure to impact the consumer shopping experience by creating a virtual world of interactivity. 

Comment below on any augmented reality apps you've recently discovered!

June 20, 2012

Pango Mobile Parking debuts in NYC with first "smart garage"

pango logo
Pango Logo
Ever have to find a parking spot in a crowded city?  If your answer is yes, then you know just how much of a hassle this can be.  Fortunately, mobile parking service Pango is trying to help out with this problem.  This company started their mobile application in Israel in 2007, but have since been motivated to try and expand to the United States.  Their first so-called "smart garage" is located in New York City (it can be found at 77th and Lexington).

June 18, 2012

Microsoft v. Apple: Which Tablet Will Win?

Microsoft Surface Tablet
Apple has created a pretty unbeatable reputation when it comes to ... well, everything.  They have created an empire of technology from laptop computers to tablets to smartphones.  Microsoft, on the other hand, has had a really tough time keeping up with Apple.  But today, Microsoft unveiled its Surface tablet.  With competition on the rise, Microsoft is fighting back against the iPad.

June 15, 2012

Microsoft, to give Apple a taste of their own tablet

Microsoft, Inc. Seattle, WA.
With all the attention and praise surrounding Apple these days, it was inevitable that Microsoft would launch a new tech product to compete with its rival. This Monday, Microsoft will introduce plans for its very own tablet computer that runs Windows 8, the newest version of its operating system. Best known for generating computer software, this announcement marks the first time in Microsoft’s 37 year history that the company will offer a computer of its own. 

June 13, 2012

OtterBox: The Best Protection for Mobile Devices

OtterBox Logo
I decided to buy a new smartphone (Droid RAZR Maxx) to ensure another two years of unlimited data with Verizon Wireless; and with that came a decision on what kind of case to put on my phone.  At $49.95, I decided to purchase the OtterBox Defender Series case.  I had always been skeptical about high-priced cases for cell phones and other mobile devices, but I decided to go with the OtterBox this time since the front of the case is its own screen protector.  Another brand of case and a pack (they only come in two or three packs it seems) of screen protectors would have been almost as much money, but would also be a hassle to get a screen protector on without air bubbles and dust underneath.  After having the phone for two weeks, the screen has stayed clean (no dust / moisture underneath).  However, I decided to take some time and do a little more research on how durable these products really are.

June 11, 2012

Google Maps vs. Apple Maps: What's The Difference?

Google Maps vs. Apple Maps
Google Maps is available on both the Android and the Apple device - but Apple is making their move away from the Big G after it announced its release of Maps for iOS 6.   This service will replace Google Maps on the Apple smartphone.

So what are the main differences between Maps for Apple and Google Maps?

June 8, 2012

The HTC EVO 3D: Unleashed and Unmatched

Raise your hand if you like 3D? Alright, put your hand down because you are going to need both hands to play with this technology. HTC is adding another king to their digital device dynasty. HTC will release the EVO in 3D in a store or stand near you on June 24, 2012 at 8am local time, which means that you no longer will be living a boring 2 dimensional digital life.
HTC EVO 3D: Releases June 24th, 2012
The iPhone may have Siri and iTunes, but the HTC EVO 3D captures your photos and videos in 3D, plus you can view them without the glasses! The 3D is delivered through a mesmerizing 4.3 QHD LCD touchscreen. Users can crate and share content through a Flash enabled web-browsing experience.
Other key features that feed this mobile beast include a 5MP camera, 4 GB of memory, 1 GB of RAM, 4G radios, a 1.2 GHz dual core processor which is all supplemented with HTC Sense 3.0. No other digital device can deliver stunning 3D and fit inside your pocket at less than 6 ounces with the battery. Talk time before re-charging is about 8.5 hours. To read full product reviews and explore the specs in detail click here.

June 6, 2012

Google Maps for Android - Going Offline?

Google Maps for Android
This post is short and sweet - but still awesome news.  Phil Nickinson's article at Android Central wrote that Google announced their plans to bring Google Maps offline on Android devices.  This has not been released yet, but will be something to come in the future.  This feature couldn't come at a better time - with everyone being gouged and many even losing unlimited data through their mobile providers.  Not only will Google Maps be available without a data connection, but it will still be able to offer full features, including zooming as far down as Street View.

Google also featured an Android-powered Street View backpack rig that allows imaging in areas that cars can't travel to.  This comes in addition to the work that Google has done on their Amazon Rainforest imaging project.

As a whole, Google is bringing their mapping software to more areas of the world at a lower cost for consumers (not having to use data on Android devices).  I can't wait to see what they do next.

June 4, 2012

Xbox Goes Mobile

Microsoft's Unveils Smart Glass
Today, Microsoft Corp. announced that they will begin offering music via their Xbox gaming console helping them become "the nexus of household entertainment" says Fox Business.  Microsoft is going to offer 30 million tracks via its new music service.  It is rumored that Microsoft is essentially killing off its own Zune service offered to its mobile users. Customers are already able to stream Netflix, ESPN, and limited other channels as long as they are an Xbox Live subscriber.  But now with Microsoft's new software, subscribers are going to be able to play games, surf the net, and gain access to extra content through their smartphones and tablets.