July 30, 2012

What's Apple Up To Now?

Photo from iMore
Rumor has it that Apple will debut their new iPhone 5 on September 12th at a special event and are expected to be released on September 21st.  Apple will also show off their new iPod Nano as well as their mini-tablet alongside the new iPhone.

Apple has talked of a special "fall event" and earlier photos were leaked onto the internet of the possible new iPhone.  Lab Factory may have access to early prototype photos, which can be seen on Mashable's blog. There were 16 months that separated the release of the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4s.  The iPhone 4s was released last October, which means the iPhone 5 is being released just shy of a year after.  Could Apple be positioning it's new iPhone as a big fall release?  It hasn't been released when the iPad mini will be released, but if Apple follows its traditional pattern, it could be alongside the new iPhone.  Last year, the iPhone 4s was released on the same day as the new white iPod.

It has also been rumored that Apple may even be working on a bigger addition to their product line, an iTV.  So now Apple has taken over the music industry with the iPod, the mobile industry with their line of iPhones, the mobile computing with their line of iPad, and now the television industry... What's next?  World domination?

Would you purchase a TV made by Apple?

July 27, 2012

Do you want this?

Facebook is adding a "Want this" button to it site.
Facebook is planning to add a new member to its team of digital buttons. Fans and followers have always claimed their ownership by a simple "Like this" button. Soon the 900 million monthly active users on Facebook will be able to "want this." Facebook is using this as a stepping stone to entering e-commerce.

July 25, 2012

Why the Alaska Airlines app is worth having

Alaska Airlines app for Android

Over the past weekend, I took a one night trip to Las Vegas.  I left Friday afternoon and returned Saturday at about the same time.  I didn't get a hotel room or even bring luggage.  I simply brought my fully charged Droid Razr Maxx, my wallet, and the clothes that I was wearing and set off from Seattle to Las Vegas aboard an Alaska Airlines 737-900.  This (short) trip gave me a great opportunity to try out the Alaska Airlines mobile application - which is simple, effective, and has all of the features that you need when traveling.

July 23, 2012

Hope: It's Not Just an iPad or an iPod for Many.

The iPod has changed the way we listen to music.  The iPad has changed the way we look at mobile computing.  The iPhone has changed the way we communicate with others.  But no one ever talks about how it is helping people with memory loss and other disabilities.  Children that are affected by cognitive disabilities have the chance to learn and communicate. With applications for learning, communicating, behavior monitor, and therapeutic device, children and and elderly individuals have the opportunity to improve and maintain their health.

July 20, 2012

Stunned by the iPhone?

The Yellow Jacket gazer for iPhone 4 and 4S stings with 650k volts.
Shocking isn't it?

Ever wondered what it's like to be tazed? How about being tazed by one of the 75 million people who own an iPhone. A retired Army veteran has developed a gazer that attaches to an iPhone like a case and pulsates 650,000 volts through anything it touches. 

July 18, 2012

Little Improvements Make Ice Cream Sandwich Better

Ice Cream Sandwich (courtesy of Android Guys)
Many of you Android users have Ice Cream Sandwich on your smartphone or tablet already, while others are still hesitant about whether or not to download it.  I installed this Android version (4.0.4) this past Saturday, and I couldn't be happier with it.  There are a bunch of small changes that makes Ice Cream Sandwich users feel like they own a new device - and I have included a few of the little tweaks that help to simplify and enhance my smartphone experience.

July 16, 2012

Indoor Atlas: GPS for Retailers

Indoor Atlas
Is someone watching every where you go?  Seems creepy, but think about how often you use GPS.  You download an app, utilize Google Maps, or use your built-in GPS on your smartphone to find your way to a new or unfamiliar place.  The owner of the mobile app is following you and Google is following you.  But, you're pretty safe once you get inside a store.  You shut off your GPS and now no one knows where you are, right?  Think again.

July 13, 2012

The force is strong with this one

PredPol abbreviates for Predictive Policing.
PredPol, aka Predictive Policing, is analytical software that allows police to better predict where crime is occurring. Many police departments use outdated, inaccurate systems when attempting to target high crime areas. A lot of police departments are limited by their shortening budgets which results in fewer offices and less money to invest in new technology. However, this app has proved itself worthy.

July 11, 2012

Geocaching: The Global Location-Based Cache Hunt

Let the hunt begin!

Geocaching is something that has been around for just over a decade, but it is something that few people are still aware of.  It is essentially an outdoor sporting activity in which participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) or location-based device (such as a smartphone) to hide and seek waterproof containers - which are called "geocaches" or "caches".  A typical cache contains a logbook where you record your name and when you found the cache (and signs it with an official code name, if applicable).  Large containers may also contain items for trading (you can leave something in the case and take what is in there). It is essential a high-tech game of hide and seek.  This activity is a perfect way to get out and explore wherever it is that you are traveling.  Caches can be found literally all over the world, from metropolitan areas to the backwoods of a national park trail.  You would probably be surprised at how close some of the hunts will take you to home!

July 9, 2012

Apple Is No Longer a Green Competitor.

Apple is undeniably a force to be reckoned with - but they recently asked the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) to remove all of their products from the green registry.  What does this mean?  Well, the EPEAT is the organization that sets all the environmental standards for electronic products and now, Apple's products no longer meet these standards.  In the more recent future, environment-friendly and sustainable products are much more important than they were in the past.  Many consumers will choose one product over another, even if it costs more, just because it's environmentally friendly.  It's sometimes a deciding factor in which product to purchase.

Apple currently has 39 products on the market today and all 39 were taken off the green registry.  Apple's request was made roughly two weeks ago, according to WSJ, but the EPEAT just made the public announcement.  Apple has recently removed its claim to be environmentally friendly off their website even though they used to brag about how environmentally friendly the MacBook Pro was because of it contains less toxic components and its energy efficiency.

What do you think this means for competition?  Do you think this will be detrimental to Apple?

July 6, 2012

The Traffic Jam Solution

Waze is a traffic app that saves you time!
Ever wondered why it is called “rush hour” yet it is the slowest time during the day? Well, I can’t answer that, but I can suggest an app that will help anyone save time when it comes to your daily commute.

July 4, 2012

Tips for taking firework pictures with your phone

Happy Independence Day from YML!  As the evening is setting in, many of you will be watching (or in some cases, running from) fireworks at home our at professional shows.  Since our phones are typically the only cameras that we have at our disposal, it is important to understand how to use the camera properly to capture the colorful explosions.  By following several tips that I found at this article on Mashable, you can take brilliant pictures with your smartphone that are perfect for sharing.

Note: Do NOT take pictures while in the Instagram application - save all the fancy editing for after you capture the great pictures.

July 2, 2012

PadMapper: The New Way to Search for Apartments

Apartment shopping can be a tedious and downright frustrating experience - between the websites that want all your personal information and Craigslist, filled with scams and advertisements that are hard to navigate.  Ultimately, many people end up having their email inbox blown up with junk mail and feel frustrated at the end of the day. Apartment hunting online can really be a tedious process.

Whether you are going off to college, moving in with roommates or a significant other, or moving for a new job,  the idea of apartment shopping is almost worse than the actual packing and unpacking experience.  Recently,  I discovered an sanity-saving app that assists in the apartment shopping experience.  PadMapper is a location-based app that allows you to search for apartment listings near you.  Listings cannot be promoted and therefore, you will get to see what you really want to see.

Listings can be narrowed down by Zip Code, Price Range, Number of Rooms and Bathrooms.  You can also select whether you want Subleases, Full Leases, and/or Rooms/Shares to be included in your search results.  There are some additional advanced search options including whether you have dogs, cats, would prefer something with a no-fee pet policy, etc.  Results are displayed in the form of a list and on a clickable map, which makes things both visual and easy to navigate.

Let us know what you think about PadMapper in the comments!  Do you think it's better than Craigslist?