October 31, 2012

Keep your kids safe when they're out trick-or-treating

SecuraFone logo
It's already Halloween, and many of you have plans with families, friends, and your kids.  Whether you are walking around helping your young ones trick-or-treat, or letting your somewhat older children out on their own for the evening, it is important to keep their safety in mind.  I just wanted to provide some tips that you can do (or use your phone for) to ensure that your children are safe during Halloween.

October 30, 2012

Where is Hurricane Sandy?

With hurricane Katrina and the recent tsunami in Japan taking place, many people are on their toes.  Hurricane Sandy is currently effecting thousands on the east coast of the United States.  So, wouldn't it be nice to be able to track the hurricane in real time?  What about find a shelter for you and your family?  Here are some tips and apps to help you through this tough time.

October 27, 2012

Xbox Smart Glass: Which portal will you choose?

Xbox SmartGlass offers viewing from any smart device.
Xbox SmartGlass opens up all your electronic opportunities to be connected to a digital world. Friday October 26th was a momentous day for Microsoft. The tech giant released Windows 8, which offers a  revamped operating system to appeal to mobile users.  Windows represents an $18 billion division for Microsoft and has symbolized the company's long history of software success. The Surface is Microsoft's attempt to enter the tablet market and retails for $499. Microsoft set up temporary stores and kiosk booths to sell both its long-awaited hardware and software to consumers. With Xbox SmartGlass the tech flood gates are opening to allow integration between any smart device.

October 23, 2012

Apple iPad Mini and Asus Vivo Tab RT Debut

iPad Mini (source: Gizmodo)
Today was a big day for Apple.  The new iPad mini was announced - despite earlier feelings from Steve Jobs that a 9.7-inch iPad was always going to be the perfect size.  The new iPad is a reverse of those numbers, featuring a 7.9-inch screen.  This is comparable to the 7-inch display on the Google Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle Fire HD.  But is there anything special about this new tablet?

October 22, 2012

Samsung's Battle with Apple in Japan

One Battle After Another (Right: Samsung, Left: Apple)
Let's keep this short and sweet.  After all, it is Monday!  There are numerous "battles" going on in the ecosystems these days.  As a continuation of the patent battle between Samsung and Apple, Samsung tried to get the iPhone blocked from selling to the Japanese market.  But, a Tokyo court ruled against Samsung's attempt to get the iPhone blocked from being sold in Japan.  The iPhone holds 26.6% market share and is the best selling smartphone in Japan.

October 19, 2012

Slingbox launches new devices for TV by mobile

Slingbox 350 & 500 stream TV content to mobile.
The way consumers watch TV and movies is always changing. Smartphones and tablets allow users to stream video content effortlessly. Slingbox is introducing two new TV streaming devices which will enable cable subscribers to stream HD TV to mobile devices and computers.

October 18, 2012

Google Chromebook and Chromebox Fail?

Google Chromebook & Chromebox
We no longer have this tablet verses that one, this phone verse that, and so on.  We now have the "ecosystems"- the Apple ecosystems verse the Google ecosystem verse the Microsoft ecosystem.  Each "ecosystem" offers its own variety of products that all have different values to different users.  Apple seems to be the leader in many markets.  They have their tablets, music players, computers, and smartphones.  While Microsoft is a predominate player in the PC market, as well as the tablet and smartphone market.  But are most well known for the Xbox, their gaming system, and their productivity software, Microsoft Office.  But, Google has re-branded itself to be more than just a search engine and has stepped in as an active player in the smartphone market and recently, the laptop computer market with their new Chromebook and Chromebox.

October 15, 2012

New Logitech K810 keyboard can control up to 3 devices at once

Logitech K810 (source: BusinessWire)
The new keyboard from Logitech is perfect for those who want more accessibility when typing on their tablet or other mobile device.  Using Bluetooth, this keyboard can pair up with up to three different devices at the same time.  Essentially, it means having your laptop, tablet, and smartphone share a keyboard that can easily switch between devices.

October 12, 2012

Redbox Instant by Verizon

Redbox plans to stream movies by December 2012
How do you rent and watch movies? Do you prefer streaming or having a physical disc in your hand? Well, Redbox is not only inexpensive, but it offers both options. Redbox recently made a partnership with Verizon that will enable Verizon customers to stream movies through their smart devices. Redbox Instant by Verizon is expected to launch by this December.

October 10, 2012

New Lookout app can find phones when battery is dead

Lookout app sample
Most of us have misplaced our phones, only to waste a large amount of our day hunting it down.  Typically, we just ask the closest person with a cell phone to dial our number - hoping that we can hear it ring or vibrate nearby.  The only challenge occurs when we lose our phones just as the battery is about to die.

The newly redesigned app from Lookout Mobile Security not only protects your phone, but offers a unique new feature that can help you track down your mobile device when the battery is dead.

October 8, 2012

VoterHub: Your One-Stop-Shop for Everything Voting

With the upcoming election only a month away, many people are becoming much more in tune with their political views, watching the debates, and reading up on the views and initiatives of each candidate.  No matter what side of the fence you are on, Democrat or Republican, there is one app that can connect you with an abundance of information, including your local polling location.

October 5, 2012

Zuckerberg "Likes" this party!

Facebook now has 1 billion active users.

Facebook has hit the 1 billion active user milestone this Thursday! The social site has grown from a college dorm room at Harvard to being the number one platform for people, non-profits and businesses to communicate with family, friends, followers and customers. To celebrate this accomplishment, Facebook launched a video ad comparing how the social site connects people just like other objects we interact with every day. 

October 3, 2012

Field Trip - a new app from Google

Google's new app, Field Trip, is basically like having a personal tour guide in your smartphone.  It runs in the background on your mobile device (you can set how active it is), and it provides notifications that tell you about interesting things nearby.  These notifications include local information about history, famous architecture, and great shopping and dining experiences nearby.  The best part is that you don't have to ask for this information. 

October 1, 2012

The Truth About LTE

Carriers Doing Away with Unlimited
Many cell phone companies and data providers are requiring their users to move from their unlimited data plan to a restricted data plan when they upgrade their phone plan.  The new data plans restrict the amount of data per plan and no longer provide an unlimited option.  But, what is the truth about the LTE plan?  Many providers claim that LTE is much better and faster than 3G.  And that is half true...